The Story of a Conventional Chicken raised in an industrial farm

Have you ever wondered how the conventional chicken originated?

It would have been nice if everything had happened naturally, but the reality is different. Many years ago, in the 1950s, the broiler chicken was genetically selected as a result of experiments to create new breeds of chicken.

Why was the conventional chicken created through genetic selection?

To produce more meat, in a much shorter time, regardless of the consequences these animals are forced to suffer. 

Chicken grabbed in one of the biggest broiler farms in Romania
Copyright Asociația Freedom and Respect for Every Earthling

For chickens, rapid growth is nothing but misery. Putting on so much weight in a short time leads to deformed growths, pressing joints, and the heart can’t always keep up. Sadly, many of them fail to survive.
Poze preluate de la organizația Otwarte Klatki, Fotograf Andrew Skowron

Maybe where they live has better conditions?

 Unfortunately, we have no better information in this area either.

How long do conventional chickens live and how are they killed?

They live for about 5 weeks, and those who reach this age may hope that it’s all over and they will be able to enjoy their freedom…but they are mercilessly picked up, handcuffed to their legs and suspended upside down. The handcuffs cause them a great deal of pain, and on top of that everything turns to fear.

How chickens are killed
Otwarte Klatki. (n.d.). Fermy Brojlerów 2020 [Photograph]. Flickr.

Can you imagine what a chicken sees around it before its turn?

Otwarte Klatki. (n.d.). Fermy Brojlerów 2020 [Photograph].

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