Dozens of protests in the United Kingdom condemn Lidl for cruelty on broiler chicken farms 

An employee at an intensive chicken farm in Lincolnshire, UK, which supplies to Lidl, has revealed footage showing birds being “routinely run over” and “crushed to death”. Co-workers admit on camera that the abuse is “part of the job”. Animal welfare charity Open Cages has lodged a criminal complaint against the farm for allegedly breaching several animal welfare laws and regulations.

The farm supplies Lidl’s Birchwood chicken brand, which guarantees animal welfare. Lidl is facing backlash as recent images from Germany, Spain, Italy, Austria and now the UK have revealed evidence of widespread animal cruelty in the global retailer’s chicken supply chain.

In addition to complaints to Lidl following the German study, which found more than 70% of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, another case is coming to light in the UK. This time the nature of the problem is animal welfare.

Tom Herok, the source of the video, teaches philosophy at Lancaster University. In a videotaped statement, he reveals that he was employed in the UK chicken industry for 5 months last year to investigate the welfare of “Frankenchickens”, the fast-growing chickens.

Tom Herok reveals heartbreaking footage from UK Lidl farms

Mr. Herok documented his work at a chicken farm in Lincolnshire between July and September 2022 using a hidden camera. The farm manager is filmed as he reveals the farm supplies Lidl. From his first day of employment at the farm, Mr Herok was warned he would see birds being trampled. Workers repeatedly refer to the practice in advance, commenting that “it’s part of the job and can’t really be avoided”.

Workers are filmed collecting dozens of eviscerated birds inside the recently emptied stables. They are confirmed to have been ‘run over’ and killed by a forklift as they were being transported. Some of the animals were found still alive with serious injuries. One bird can be seen crawling on the floor with broken legs. Another lies panting, with an open wound exposing its internal organs.The employee reveals that the birds were again trampled in front of the stables in broad daylight after falling out of a transport crate. Numerous piles of carcasses are dumped in piles at the farm.

Employees also reveal that fast-growing chickens (which are slaughtered at just 6 weeks old) suffer from:

broken feet
heart attacks
chemical burns due to urine

In his statement, Mr. Herok reveals that working as a chicken farmer has been one of the worst experiences of his life: “People eat chicken every day, but retailers hide the truth from them.”

– Open Cages

Open Cages has filed a criminal complaint against the farm for possible breaches of the Animal Welfare Act and the Farm Animal Welfare and WATEO (Welfare of Animals During Transportation) Regulations.


The information from this article has been copied from Jackson, C. (2023, June 19). INVESTIGATION: Lidl chickens crushed to death. Open Cages.

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